27 August 2007

I'll make it work!.. ;) :P :D

and a thousand more stories you never hear. I never tell.

13 August 2007

Fantastic!.. :) :D I love to see it. ;) :P

P.S. I have written a short poem-like note for you, in English. If you like to hear it, you have to come here!.. ;) :P I like to see those eyes, when you are reading it. ;) :D xoxoxo…

P.S. Take care. xoxoxo...

12 August 2007


کامنت ساده و صمیمیت - که در بلاگ محمد نوشته ای - خیلی شیرین به دلم نشسته. ممنونم. یک دنیا

11 August 2007

He says ‘you have a gentle and attractive smile’. Think wild and naughty. Your answer is hidden in that ‘g’ and ‘a’.

Call me, if want me to explain it further. :)

07 August 2007

They say, 'a well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds.' Well.., I need it. The well-directed imagination, I mean.

06 August 2007

Wish me luck. It's an once in a lifetime opportunity. I love the job and it fits well with the overall picture.

04 August 2007

AGREED!.. and you are right!.. ;) :P There is a strange quality about Greeks that fascinates me.

I'll soon come to see you, if I get this job. (or maybe you can surprise me before that. ;) :P :D) Take care and wish me luck.